Where did the time go? It seems like we just started the trip and here we are, back in American Fork, getting ready for work and school tomorrow. Sometimes vacations are just not fair; this one was a good vacation but went by way too fast.
The kids both agree that the clubhouse at the Villas was the best part, although the Grand Canyon and being with Mom and Dad was also good (added after the fact, when Dad looked sad). My favorite part had to be the Monument Valley tour; even with the vehicle breakdown and getting sunburnt it was still quite the tour.
Today we started out in Blanding (Corwyn says it is called that because it is bland). I was glad to get away from the Super 8, it wasn't bad for a place to sleep but the breakfast was crappy. But not far out of town was Natural Bridges National Monument; a quick trip around the loop for a view of the three large bridges and a last chance for the kids to walk a little out on a trail. It was peaceful, smelled of pinyon pine and red dirt, and sounded like happy birds. There is a under-the-rim hike that you can take from Sipupu bridge around to the other two; that sounded like a fun hike.
Once we left the monument we headed up via Hite to Hanksville, and just like in Blanding, ate at what was probably the best place to eat in town, Stan's Burger place. On the way out, though, we saw another place that said they were better; who's to know? From then on we were on familiar roads; up to I-70 and then up US6 to Price and over Soldier. The rest of the drive was uneventful, just time consuming and boring. I was glad to be done with the drive (for today, not for the vacation).
This was a good trip; one of those that hopefully the kids will remember years from now. Hopefully we'll be able to pull off a few more of them in the future (the near future, please!).
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