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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Labor Day Roadtrip

After a job change that had me take on Management duties I have suddenly found myself with a lot less time.  I was able to take a quick overnighter away from American Fork with the family.  We got away on Sunday, the day before Labor Day and headed down through Price towards Moab.  Destination: Goblin Valley with a detour over to Dead Horse Point.  We had a blast and the kids especially enjoyed running around the hoodoos at Goblin Valley.  By the time we got to Capitol Reef National Park it was getting late so we found a motel on the west side and ate a spicy meal down the road. 

The next day we went around Capitol Reef, stopping at the Visitors' Center and going on the scenic drive down past Capitol Wash.  It was fun, but we spent a lot of time in the car.  And we had to be back home that evening so we were watching the clock; when we had used up our time we grabbed a bite to eat and headed out, through Loa and then up US50 to Scipio and back home. 

It was a fun, short, roadtrip; we need to do more of these!