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Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Long Drive

We're currently on day 4 of our big trip to the Midwest and have already soon so much. We are in the Hotel Nauvoo getting ready for bed; tomorrow we'll go tour some of the old historic buildings. We've arrived late (day 1's dash from home to Grand Junction where we got in at 23:30), taken a leisurely day (day 2's easy and scenic drive to Denver) where we visited a couple of family favorite food stops: Casa Bonita for lunch and the White Fence Farm for dinner. We've had a long day's drive (day 3 from Denver to Independence) and a day of religious significance (day 4 from Independence to Liberty Jail to Far West to Carthage Jail to Nauvoo). The trip is speeding by; before you know it we'll have to turn to the west for the long trip home. The farther we drive to the east and north the farther we will have to drive back. But we have been having a a lot of fun and seeing some great things. The kids are putting up with their parents and we're putting up with them :)